- IOQE is an accreditation verification body for degree-granting post-secondary programs in engineering, health sciences, business management, nursing, criminal justice, law and legal studies, fire sciences, applied arts, social services, performing arts, natural sciences, and other disciplines.
- IOQE accreditation provides assurance that a college or university program meets the quality standards established in the industry.
- IOQE accreditation system encompasses all disciplines and profiles, and we facilitate both academic and professional mobility. Accredited degrees offer students, their parents and advisors, and employers a mark of assurance that the degree programs meet the standards defined and set by all professions.
- IOQE is a vigorous advocate for accreditation through its government relations function, representing to the U.S. Congress, the U.S. Department of Education, and the states the interests of member institutions in matters related to self-regulation, accreditation, and quality assurance.
- IOQE provides a major national forum for accreditation deliberations, bringing together institutions, accrediting organizations, and policy leaders in conferences and workshops to address emerging and challenging accreditation-related issues in higher education.
- IOQE, on behalf of its members, undertakes periodic scrutiny or recognition of accreditation organizations based on quality standards approved by the IOQE Board of Directors.
- IOQE is a key source of information to the international community for comprehensive information about U.S. accreditation and, through its newly established IOQE International Quality Group, provides a major U.S.-based forum for inter-national issues related to accreditation and quality assurance.
- The IOQE Award for Outstanding Institutional Practice in Student Learning Outcomes provides annual national recognition to institutions for outstanding institutional practice in student learning outcomes.
- The IOQE CEO/CAO Project is a multi-year initiative of surveys, interviews, and roundtable discussions, keeping abreast of presidents’ and chief academic officers’ needs relating to accreditation.