Price List

Addon List

Grilled Peach & Summer Berries
Grilled Peach & Summer Berries$20.00
Mixed greens, fresh pulled mozzarella, garden basil, Hawaiian sea salt,extra virgin olive oil
Grilled Peach & Summer Berries
Grilled Peach & Summer Berries$20.00
Grilled Peach & Summer Berries$20.00 $15.00
Mixed greens, fresh pulled mozzarella, garden basil, Hawaiian sea salt,extra virgin olive oil
Branding + Design$20 /h
A great brand is a company’s most valuable asset. The Mentus process brings a strategic,
comprehensive approach to strengthening brand value.


IOQE is a vigorous advocate for accreditation through its government relations function, representing to the U.S. Congress, the U.S. Department of Education and the states the interests of member institutions in matters related to self-regulation, accreditation, and quality assurance.
IOQE provides a major national forum for accreditation deliberations, bringing together institutions, accrediting organizations, and policy leaders in conferences and workshops to address emerging and challenging accreditation-related issues in higher education.